Going through a divorce is usually a traumatic experience, especially if children are involved. But despite this, most people do get remarried after a divorce. It appears our human condition pushes us to be partnered with another. Sometimes the question of whether to remarry is one of the heart. However, there are economic factors that could come into play when deciding whether to remarry. This discussion focuses on some of the issues to think about before taking that big step again to remarry.
Remarriage by the Numbers
The vast majority of people who get divorced from their first marriage will get married again. This issue affects a significant number of Americans, given that the United States has the sixth highest divorce rate in the world. The remarriage percentage hovers around 80 percent for first-time divorcees. On average, most people will remarry within four years from their first divorce. Younger men and women will remarry quicker than older individuals. In the past, men were more likely to get remarried than women, most likely owing to the negative social stigma associated with divorced women. But over time, the numbers between the genders for remarriage are almost at par. Currently, research shows that for women, just over half remarry in less than five years, and by 10 years after a divorce, 75 percent have remarried.
Reasons for Divorce
The reasons that drove the decision to divorce might have an effect on whether the person will remarry or how long it will take them to remarry. The most reported major contributors to divorce were lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing. The most common “final straw” reasons were infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use. Obviously, some of these reasons can be very traumatic. Someone who was a victim of domestic violence may have a significant reluctance to get remarried. The survivor of domestic abuse may even have some post-traumatic stress disorder associated with marriage.
Another factor that affects the decision to remarry is the potential divorce rate for second marriages. Currently, the divorce rate for first marriages in the United States is approximately 41 percent. When it comes to second marriages, that number rises significantly to 60 percent. The divorce rate for third marriages is at 73 percent. These numbers can be frightening when someone is thinking about marrying again after a divorce.
Other Factors to Consider Before Your Remarry
There are other factors that you should consider before you decide to remarry:
- Timing issues: Before you can remarry, you have to be officially divorced. New Jersey does not have mandatory waiting periods to get a divorce. A no-fault divorce in New Jersey requires parties to have been separated for 18 months prior to filing. If the divorce is fault based, there is no separation requirement to file. Once the decree of divorce is issued by the court, you are free to remarry.
- Time heals all wounds: One reason why you may not want to rush into remarrying is to figure out what went wrong the first time around. You may need time to work through the difficult emotions associated with going through a divorce. Going through a divorce, especially one that is contentious, can be very traumatic. It is wise to take a few years to get your feet back under you and to figure out what kind of person you are as an individual, versus the partnership that you were in for many years.
- Consider the children: A divorce and remarriage become more complicated when children are involved. Children can have significant emotional responses to the divorce such as guilt, blame, and anger. Before a new person is brought into the family, the children’s issues should be addressed.
- Speak to your divorce lawyer before remarrying: Before deciding to remarry, make sure to speak to your divorce lawyer about what effects, if any, will getting married again have on your financial situation. Depending on the marital separation agreement and property separation agreement, getting remarried might significantly affect your economic security. You will need to know how this will affect any alimony or spousal support you are receiving as well as child support.
Marlton Divorce Lawyers at Burnham Douglass Can Answer Your Remarriage Questions and Give You the Support You Need
After you had the traumatic experience of getting a divorce, you may have concerns and questions about getting remarried. You can get the legal guidance you need by speaking with the experienced and compassionate Marlton divorce lawyers at Burnham Douglass. We are always here to help our clients with honest and caring support. Contact us online or call us at 856-751-5505 for a free consultation. We are located in Marlton and Northfield, New Jersey, and we serve clients throughout South Jersey, including Camden County, Burlington County, Atlantic County, Gloucester County, and Mercer County.