Valentine’s Day is one of the worst times for those who have just gotten a divorce. When February 14 rolls around after a painful divorce, the romance reminders are everywhere. From the pink and red hearts decorating every possible space, to the floral arrangement deliveries surprising delighted co-workers, to the happy couples canoodling as you pass on the street, it is difficult to escape the in-your-face lovefest. So, what can you do to get through the day filled with lovey-dovey irritations that threaten to send you into an emotional tailspin? This discussion offers some suggestions for how to stay sane while it seems like the whole idea of the hyper-romantic day is too much to bear.
Be Kind to Yourself
The best advice for the recently divorced is to feel your feelings. There is nothing wrong with being sad or angry that things did not work out with your marriage. You should not be embarrassed to admit that your negative feelings are real. By the same token, feelings about missing the good times are real as well. Going through a divorce is an emotional time. Allow yourself the space to work through those feelings without self-judgment so that you can get to a better place emotionally.
Treat Yourself
Love yourself on Valentine’s Day. Without your ex-spouse to take the focus, you can redirect your attention on making yourself feel special. Buy yourself something nice; get a massage; or just sit with some soft music, a favorite beverage, and a good book. Indulge yourself in whatever brings you joy, and relish the fact that you deserve to shower yourself with loving attention.
Make Time for Friends
Gathering a group of friends at your home or out on the town can distract you from what you may be missing about Valentine’s past while surrounding you with the special people in your life who are there to support and love you.
Celebrate the Love with Your Children
If you have children, they may be sensitive to the holiday and all that it represents. In the wake of the divorce or, especially, if the holiday falls in the middle of the proceedings, children can become caught up in worry about how the divorce will affect their life and their family. Since Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a celebration of love, make the focus of the day the love you have for your children and how thankful you are to have them in your life. Such reflections keep the day positive and create feelings of gratitude that are good for your youngsters, and for you.
Counter any lonely feelings with a sense of belonging and duty. Spending time helping others can give you a sense that you are worthy of love and appreciation for all that you have to share. Feeling like you are a part of something bigger than yourself can quash the loneliness and help you feel love by building community.
Marlton Divorce Lawyers at Burnham Douglass Help Clients through Difficult Divorces
If you are considering divorce, the experienced Marlton divorce lawyers at Burnham Douglass can help you through this difficult period. Having a knowledgeable lawyer on your side can ensure that you get the best settlement possible. Contact us online or call us at 856-751-5505 for a free consultation. We are located in Marlton and Northfield, New Jersey, and we serve clients throughout South Jersey, including Camden County, Burlington County, Atlantic County, Gloucester County, and Mercer County.